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Somatic Experiencing (SE) Therapy is a naturalistic body-oriented approach to healing trauma and other stress related disorders.


SE is a highly effective method for dealing with the effects of overwhelm in the nervous system which can deprive us from our sense of agency and connection to ourselves, others and life around us.

This pioneering approach was developed by Dr. Peter Levine and is based on the understanding that trauma is stored in the body and nervous system – not in the story.


A Healthy Nervous System

Healthy nervous systems undulate like a wave between states of activation and rest. 

Parasympathetic and Sympathetic nervous system in a wave format

Our nervous systems have the capacity to naturally self-regulate and respond to a variety of circumstances. These responses are fluid, resilient, and oriented to the present time. They allow us to be present and open for connection, and relate to life as an open source of choices and options. 

A Disregulated Nervous System

The side effects of a disregulated nervous system can range widely, from sleep deprivation and chronic pain to bursts of anger, helplessness, depression, and anxiety, to name a few.


The nervous system gets disregulated when a survival mechanism is unfinished or an accumulation of stress becomes too much to handle.

When you feel threatened, your nervous system creates a physiological charge so you can respond to the threat. This charge helps you take action! For example, you might protect yourself, fight back or flee.


If you are unable to take action and you freeze, the energetic charge gets locked in your autonomic nervous system and blocks your ability to return to a feeling of safety, calm and awareness of the present moment.

abstract art by Susa Talan

"... trauma is a fact of life. It does not, however, have to be a life sentence. Not only can trauma be healed, but with appropriate guidance and support, it can be transformative.”

– Peter Levine, Waking the Tiger

artwork by susa talan

what to expect in an SE session

During a session, we will first spend time finding external and internal resources to establish safety and helping to establish a more trusting connection to your body overtime.

Using various somatic techniques such as orienting and titrating, we will track the nervous system's language of body sensations and impulses.

Through that process we will allow for unresolved life experiences to complete their sequencing through the nervous system.

SE does not require re-living the traumatic events or discussing them in details.

scheduling an SE session

New or interested clients, please use this button to connect to my calendar. Thank you. 

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